Introducing’s Revolutionary Audio Guide Feature for Art Exhibitions

We are thrilled to announce the latest feature on, designed to transform your art exhibition experience. Our revolutionary digital exhibition guide, already renowned for its ease of use and advanced image recognition technology, now includes an innovative audio guide feature.

How Works is a cutting-edge digital exhibition guide made for art fairs, galleries, and exhibitions. Using our web application, visitors can scan exhibited artworks at partnering exhibitions without needing to download an app or register. Instantly, they receive detailed information about the artwork and artist directly on their smartphones.

The New Audio Guide Feature

We have just introduced a groundbreaking feature that allows artists to upload or record audio descriptions for their artworks when adding them to Artists can upload audios in up to four different languages. When visitors use the web application at participating exhibitions, they can access both standard text information and these audio descriptions. Visitors can choose their preferred language and listen to the audio directly by holding their smartphone to their ear. Alternatively, they can also read the text descriptions.

This feature is revolutionary as it eliminates the need for users to download an app, scan a QR code, or input a number. Simply scan an artwork and receive all the information seamlessly.

First Exhibition to Feature the Audio Guide

This summer, the Kristian Schuller Grand Show in Graz marks the debut of our new audio guide feature. The exhibition, organized by Atelier Jungwirth, Messe Graz, and Kristian Schuller himself, opened on May 23rd and will run until August 31, 2024. Following the success of the Steve McCurry exhibition in 2021, this new collaboration with Messe Congress Graz presents Schuller’s colorful and grand photographic works in formats of 2×3 meters and 3×4.5 meters, displayed floating and backlit to emphasize their power and magical moments.

Visitors can expect a mix of opulent and vibrant images alongside minimalistic works from the past 20 years. Each photograph tells a dynamic story, featuring Schuller’s unique visual language and sensitive portraits of celebrities like Sharon Stone, Cate Blanchett, Heidi Klum, and Penélope Cruz.

Enhancing Art with Technology

The Kristian Schuller exhibition integrates’s cutting-edge image recognition software, providing audio and text descriptions of the artworks directly to visitors’ smartphones without any need for downloads or registration. This technology transforms how art is experienced, offering deeper insights into each piece’s artistic background.

Kristian Schuller himself provides personal audio commentary for each image, sharing fascinating details about their creation and meaning as well as interesting stories from the shootings. This feature adds a unique dimension to the exhibition, making it a first-of-its-kind experience in the German-speaking world.

A Milestone for

Having established our innovative platform at numerous international art fairs such as World Art Dubai, World Art Saudi, and the Florence Biennale, we are excited to bring this technology back to our hometown of Graz. The inclusion of our software in this exhibition is a significant milestone, underscoring our commitment to providing innovative and user friendly solutions in the art world.

“We are thrilled to support a significant exhibition in our hometown of Graz after numerous successful appearances at international art fairs,” said Gottfried Eisenberger, CEO of “Kristian Schuller is undoubtedly an outstanding figure in the world of photography. His works speak a unique language—especially with We look forward to collaborating with him and delighting visitors with his fascinating audio commentary directly on their smartphones. With, art becomes not only tangible but also personal and immediate.”

Visit to learn more and experience the future of art exhibitions today.

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